The provincial budget has been titled by the Saskatchewan Government as 'The Budget to Keep Saskatchewan on Track.' Last years budget saw cuts to programs with some programs cut altogether.

Katie Emde from Midale is an advocate for families with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder.

"My initial reaction is a positive one to be completely honest compared to last year. Last year was pretty dark. A lot of families that are affected by ASD were not seeing a lot of positive growth in the autism community," said Emde who also mentioned the impact of cuts to education, on families.

The boost to education funding is what makes Emde feel most positive with a $30 million increase. However, she is less positive about the individual funding.

The provincial government in this new budget has announced $4,000 is to go to each child under 6 with ASD.

Emde said it is a step in the right direction but not enough.

Children under six have access to free supports such as speech and occupational therapists. It is older school children where costs can mount up.

The $4,000 amount breaks down to $333.33 a month. This will cover two private treatments a month but families can be paying a lot more than that depending on their circumstances.

Emde has been campaigning for supports to increase for ASD affected families and after last years budget encouraged people to share their stories, their struggles and say exactly the support they need.

She is now waiting to see how things play out in the coming days and weeks.

"Last year there was a lot of talk with our previous premier Brad Wall. That was the question families wanted to know. When is the actual starting date? when can we start applying for this?."

"Today was a good start but its really what is going to happen as the days pass and really into the next school year?."