An anti-racism flag was raised yesterday at Weyburn City Hall for Anti-Racism week. 

"We want to show people in Weyburn that we are one community with 30 more nations, that we are inclusive and we there is no space for racism in here. That's what this is all about," shared Organizer Deniza Blakaj-Krasniqi, a Settlement Advisor with Southeast Newcomer Services, who also designed the flag.

"With the help of my brother-in-law, we designed it together, so it's customized just for us, and it's going to be just for us."  

The flag includes elements of symbolism representing unity.

"We came to this design of the faces, heart-shaped hands," she described. "Some silhouettes of people of no colour because I just want to let people know that we have to see people as people, not to to describe them as their skin colour or from how they look or how tall they are."

Blakaj-Krasniqi said she hopes this will start conversations in the community.

City Councillor Larry Heggs was representing Weyburn City Council as Deputy Mayor for the event.

"It is crucial that we not only acknowledge, but also celebrate our differences and fostering unity within our community," said Heggs. "We certainly take the opportunity to thank our partners in events like this. So on this anti-racism day, stand together against all forms of discrimination, striving to build the city where everyone feels welcome, respected, regardless of their eccentricity or background."





