Once upon a time, the Weyburn Inn was considered the place to go in the Opportunity City. Now, it's nothing more than a pile.

Demolition started on the Inn yesterday and, by the end of the day, the building was down and the memories of the once loved Inn started to pour out. 

"It was just a fun place to work, the customers were wonderful and friendly," said Jennifer Morin, a former employee. "It was a nice way to move to a small town and get to know everybody. I can remember my husband, that I was with then, we would go there on our days off when he would be home and he was shocked because everybody was like 'Hi Jennifer, Hi Jennifer' and he was just like 'You know everybody already!'"

Contessa Hill is also a former employee and used the Inn as the venue for her wedding. 

"Back in the day, that was the place to go, that was the happening place," said Hill. "Everyone used to go there to have good food, good times, working there was fun, the atmosphere was fun, it was just a fun place to be."

Although Contessa said that her fondest memory was getting married at the Inn, both Hill and Morin shared one memory. 

"It used to have this big round table in the center of the restaurant," said Morin. "And pretty much any time serving the guys that sat around the table there, they were always just very funny and it just made the day more enjoyable."

The two also have similar feelings on the Inn coming down.

"It's sad that the building had to come down but, you know, it was an old building," said Morin.

"I know that it wasn't in very good condition near the end so I know some things have to come to an end," said Hill. "Still kind of sad to see it come down."

The demolition, back fill and clean up are expected to take most of the month. Barber Motors have bought the lot and hope to expand their parking lot.