It's a curious case in downtown Weyburn as the streetlights along Railway Avenue have been, well, blinking.

Many missed it during their Christmas shopping but now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays have calmed down residents are asking "what is going on?"

We caught up with Jordan Jackle of SaskPower to find out more:

Jackle noted that there are any number of reasons the cable fault could have an issue ranging from the cold weather to the age of the lines.

SaskPower is currently working on a plan to get the line fixed, however, the weather isn't helping anything.

"You do have to dig up a part of it and this time of year the ground out there is pretty hard," laughed Jackle.

One big thing we found while trying to find out what exactly was going on with the lights was that we weren't exactly sure who to talk to about it. Jackle noted that it is a SaskPower issue and there are a number of ways to let them know about a problem like this.

"The best way to report a streetlight issue is by using our streetlight reporting tool either on our website,, or you can also access that through the SaskPower app. Once you do that, you get a verification and you will be updated when that streetlight is fixed and you actually get a map that spots the exact streetlight that you are seeing an issue with."

To close, he noted that SaskPower is continuing to work on a plan to get the lights fixed. In the meantime, Weyburn Residents can simply enjoy the show.