Students in Weyburn and throughout the province will be going without teachers facilitating extra-curricular activities this upcoming Monday, February 26th.

Extracurricular activities include sports, drama, music, band, science clubs, intramurals, rehearsals, student leadership activities, planning for graduation celebrations, book fairs, and other clubs and activities. All extracurricular activities that take place before school, during lunch hour, after school and in the evening are included.

"Teachers are passionate about the work we do to support students in classrooms and within the school community. We never want to be in a situation where opportunities for students are impacted; however, this government has left us no other options," said Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Samantha Becotte.

"Beginning with a one-day withdrawal of these services is not something that we take lightly. Government needs to recognize the magnitude of the situation they have caused and continue to contribute to, get serious, and return to the table ready to bargain on the real issues impacting Saskatchewan students. Once again, I encourage parents, families and community members to reach out to their MLAs, the Minister of Education, and the Premier to voice their concerns."

Monday, February 26th will also see the continuation of rotating noon-hour supervision withdrawals in specific teachers associations, however, not in ones affecting Weyburn.