Tara McLeod has always been a lover of books. While traveling or camping she would often make her family stop and visit the free little library's around the province. She was surprised on her birthday when her husband and daughters built her a free little library of her own.

"I've always been a book sharer and I love reading a good book and then taking it to people saying 'you've got to read this!'"

McLeod registered her free little library online. Readers can visit the world map to see the full list to see all of the little library's worldwide. She said there are 90,000 chartered little free libraries in 91 countries.

A little free library is a “take a book, return a book” free book exchange. They come in different shapes and sizes, but the most common version is a small wooden box of books. Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share.

McLeod received a donation of books from United Way Regina to help with their summer literacy program. She says they have books for all ages, whether you are young or old. "This is meant for everybody in the community. Weyburn is a very community-oriented city and it was something that I've wanted to do for a long time so this is one way I can give back."

McLeod also wants to keep the community up to date when it comes to what books are inside. "We have an Instagram page @mcgillivray_lfl, which stands for little free library, and I put posts on there when we have new books."

The little free library can be found outside of the red house on McGillivray Drive.