Energy and Resources Minister Bill Boyd


The Oil and Gas show in Weyburn will conclude today. Saskatchewan Energy and Resources Minister Bill Boyd was in our city for the show. He says he was here because this is an industry that is very important to the government. Boyd says, "it's a fantastic show, obviously a showcase for the industry, the oil and gas industry. People are very excited for the prospects for it, obviously the wet weather is having a bit of a negative impact right now. We're hopeful and everyone is I'm sure that we'll see some dry weather coming up both for agriculture and for the oil and gas industry."


He says "the industry is creating a tremendous amount of activity in Saskatchewan, very, very good high quality jobs, a lot of investment, very, very good for the province. It helps create a lot of things in the province, money for healthcare, education, highways, all of those kinds of things, so this area is a very, very important contributor to our economy here in the province."


Boyd adding, "this is an industry that's very important to the Government of Saskatchewan and the people of Saskatchewan. We want to make it very clear that we are a partner in the industry with the players here. We want to make them also aware that we have no change or plans in terms of royalties in Saskatchewan. We think we get a fair rent for the resources of the province."


The latest Oil and Gas Show news can be found on the Oil and Gas Show page.