The Weyburn Youth Centre's Board of Directors is thanking everyone who helped support their online auction fundraiser on Saturday.

In all, they raised around $10,000, which was quite a bit shy of their original goal of $35,000.

Board member at large, Susan Adderley, said they appreciate all of the cash donations they have received, as well as all those who donated such a great variety of auction items.

"Of course, we have to especially thank our bidders and our buyers," she pointed out. "We could not have done it without all of you."

Adderley said they still have donations comiong in, and although the organization is entirely volunteer-run, the fundraising helps pay the maintenance and operation bills at TAGS.

"The money raised goes directly towards the operating budget, and various maintenance projects, and will help us to continue to provide a safe place for the youth that is both fun and free from bullying, alcohol, and drugs."

If you missed the online auction event and would like to make a cash donation, call 306-861-2002.

"We are so thankful and encouraged by the ongoing support of our community," said Adderley. "Together we can keep the Weyburn Youth Centre doors open."