The City Council meeting on June 24 saw a progress report on the construction of the Weyburn Recreation and Culture Centre. 

Director of Leisure Services, Andrew Crowe, gave the short presentation before the Council and it was mostly positive news. Things are moving along as planned so far on the site in Jubilee Park.

"The farmers aren't as lucky with the dry weather, but we've been pretty blessed with it on the construction site. It's allowed us to stick to schedule and from the looks of it, I'd say we're slightly ahead of schedule," Crowe said. "Things are coming along really well and it's starting to look more and more like the facility it's going to be."

A quick look as you pass by the construction site and it's noticeable how fast the structure of the building is being erected. The school, rec area and the joint space are all on track for their opening in the summer of 2021. 

Another highlight of the project so far is the boost it's giving to the local economy. Wight Construction is tallying how many local businesses they use for the project. 

"With a project of this magnitude, they like to use as many local contractors and suppliers as they possibly can. They've been tracking for us the number of contractors and suppliers that they are going to use throughout the whole project so we can get a feel for the impact it has on our local economy," Crowe noted. "It's nice to see that they are making an effort to support local business."

So far, three local contractors, six local suppliers and seven on-site employees have been used by Wright. This also doesn't include the hotel stays, restaurant visits or grocery store trips by the workers during the construction.

Crowe did also acknowledge the public has put forth concerns over the parking availability due to the construction. The City did up this map highlighting all the parking spaces available. 

(Image courtesy City of Weyburn)


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