Weyburn's Corp. for the Salvation Army wrapped up their 'Back To School' Program last week. 

"Our Back to School program this year was probably the biggest program we have had for Back to School. We filled sixty-five backpacks," said Jennifer Lorinczy, Community Ministries Coordinator, Salvation Army.

You can find more on the Back to School Program here.

The Salvation Army had a busy week with community events in Weyburn raising money for the food bank as well as the Back To School Program.

"We had a barbecue teaming up with the humane society and PAR Contracting, and we collected a whole bunch of food from that. On Wednesday Sparkle Car wash did something wonderful for us and on Friday, Regens Disposal did their big barbecue. The Combined total between all the food donations and monetary donations, we brought in over 500 lbs of food. It just goes to show just how wonderfully awesome Weyburn is. We were in need, we had our back to school happening, a lot of things happening at once and we were able to send everyone back to school happy, we were able to feed everybody and it's just wonderful."

The Salvation Army have already started their Christmas Season preparations and only two months away for the "Adopt A Family" program.