The agenda may not be as heavy as they have been earlier this year, but it will still be an important meeting for Weyburn City Council Monday night. The meeting will see a number of reports being tabled, including the reports for April and May from the Water Treatment Plant.

The treatment plant report will look at the amount of water which has been used in recent months, in particular since the passing of the water conservation bylaw in May. There will also be a discussion on the progress of the expansion of the reservoir, and any potential issues with water quality.

The other report to be tabled at the meeting is from the parks board. The report will cover much of what has been discussed by the board in recent weeks, and a look at some of the activities they have had in recent weeks.

The meeting will start off with a proclamation. June 17th to 23rd is Native Prairie Awareness Week. The proclamation for the week will be made Monday night for the week, which is to promote awareness of the native prairie ecosystems here in the southeast, and across the whole province.

The meeting tonight starts at 5:00 p.m. in council chambers. We will have full coverage of the event on-air and online tomorrow morning.