Some may be wondering, 'who can afford to renovate this year?' Ever since travel budgets have been converting to renovation budgets, even those who have been putting off building that fence, deck, or she-shed, are noticing the prices have been climbing.

This may have some 'on the fence' about their next project.

However, Dustin Gerry, Building Materials Manager at the Prairie Sky Co-op Home Centre, said now is as good a time as any to plan your build.

"It's not just on wood, it's on everything," he noted. "So, your chain link, your vinyl fencing, your wood fencing. Prices are going up for all of that. Freight prices are going up. Freight has a lot to do with it, mainly."

He said supply issues, as well as difficulty in getting certain items also drives up the prices.

"We've been quoting a lot, and there are a lot of people just waiting to see, and there are a lot who feel it'll go higher, so they're pulling the trigger on it now," said Garry. "The majority, I'd say, are just doing it because they don't want to have to pay more later, if that's the case."

"If they want to have their yard done nice, because we can't go anywhere, then they're going to do it now, rather than wait."

Home Centre Division Manager Jodie Mantei said they've been told by suppliers that there's no use in waiting, because it's not going to drop at all this season.

"If it does drop eventually, it's not going back to where it was before," he said.

So, what are some of the 'easy fixes' any DIY homeowner can do to increase their home's value and curb appeal?

"Paint's affordable, laminate flooring is affordable, vinyl siding, even, a lot of people can do that themselves, it's a project that you can take on that's not too [difficult], if you research it a little bit, and you've got a friend who knows what they're doing," said Mantei. "All that definitely increases the value of your home and the appeal."

Gerry said his best advice for anyone who does want to take on a renovation project this year, planning is key.

"A lot of planning, get your ducks in a row, price a few different things out, rather than sticking to one," he shared.

Garry and Mantei said anyone who is unsure of what a project entails, or what materials to use, and so on, they can and should visit the Prairie Sky Co-op Home Centre for advise and to see their options in person.