The Spring weights and road bans put in place last week have been put on pause.

"With the current really cold weather we are seeing right now the roads aren't really thawing out because of the really low nighttime temperatures so we thought we would take this opportunity to suspend road bans to allow people to run legal secondary weights," explained Doug Wakabayashi, Executive Director of Communications, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, Government of Saskatchewan.

The government decided the suspension of road bans and secondary weights would allow farmers to have more time to shift more grain which has been in a backlog.

"When farmers do get the opportunity to deliver grain they need to move as much as they can as quickly as they can."

The difference between the spring road bans and secondary weights is around 10-15%.

"It's not going to fix all the problems in the grain handling system, there is a significant benefit to producers."

The RM of Weyburn has continued the road ban which was put into effect the second half of last week.

Wakabayashi said truck drivers should keep an eye on the provincial government website for when Spring weights and road bans are in place when the weather begins to warm up.