Financial support for fine arts students from the Weyburn and surrounding area is again available from the Weyburn Arts Council (WAC).

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 Millie Coghill Fine Arts Award for students or adults pursuing post-secondary education, internships, or immersive workshops in a creative field.

“We are extremely proud to offer this type of support to our community members and we have made it even more inclusive this year,” City of Weyburn Curator Regan Lanning said. “We have recently extended the scholarship to adult applicants and have also expanded our criteria to allow more students to apply.”

The scholarship is annually funded by Ian Coghill in memory of his grandmother, Millie Coghill, a recognized local artist and businesswoman.

“Millie was a very active and creative member of our local arts community. Her work has been shown in many local and provincial galleries and her recognizable piece the “Weyburn Wheel” hangs in our public library on display,” said Lanning. “She is an inspiration to many young artists that come out of our area and we are honoured her grandson continues her legacy through this scholarship.”

“If you're finishing high school and going into post-secondary, we ask for transcripts and letters of support, and just a plan of what you're going to be doing,” she explained. “If you're finishing high school and you're going into the arts, not which isn't just visual arts but music or performing arts, you're eligible.”

But also if you've been out of school for a year or two or 20, if you are interested in learning something new in the arts, you can also apply.

WAC values working together towards the common goal of developing community awareness and appreciation for the arts. The Millie Coghill Fine Arts Award showcases WAC’s values of inclusion, promotion and support for Weyburn’s arts community. An application form can be found HERE.

The deadline to apply for the 2019 scholarship is April 30th.

Read more: Arts Scholarship now open to Students & Adults