The Province has declared May 14 to 18 Sexual Assault Awareness Week in Saskatchewan. This year’s focus is consent and what it looks like in sexual relationships.

Juli Dzuba, Community Outreach Co-Ordinator for Envision Counselling and Support Centre, noted the awareness-raising educational campaign has placed a large emphasis on making information available online. Envision also has information centres set up at Weyburn Comprehensive School.

“When we go into schools and we talk to students about what consent looks like in relationships, we talk about that it is permission or approval or an agreement in a sexual relationship,” explained Dzuba. “Not only does it mean that yes means yes but there’s also all of these other things that doesn’t actually mean giving consent. So, if you have said no for multiple times and then you finally say yes, that is not actually giving consent to someone.”

“Just because you said yes in the past doesn’t mean you have to say yes in the future,” added Dzuba.

If you need more information regarding sexual consent in relationships, Envision's website has a wealth of resources, along with their Facebook and Twitter pages.

“Envision is a safe, confidential space within our community,” said Dzuba. “So if you’re experiencing sexual violence in your life, or sexual assault, you can turn to us for support.”