Marijuana is being legalized next year. 

Weyburn Police Service wants to remind Weyburn and Area residents that this means next July and not a day before.

"It is not legal yet, we don't know exactly what the final law is going to say that's still with the Senate. The Prime Minister himself on a number of occasions I've seen personally has been on the television media saying that until its legal, it is illegal, and that's the position the police are taking," explained Deputy Chief Rod Stafford, Weyburn Police Service.

"Even when it becomes legalized July 1st or thereabouts, there is absolutely every indication, that no place in Canada will people under 18 or 19 years old be able to possess it in public."

Stafford adds that it is expected for Marijuana to be treated the same as alcohol, which means no Marijuana in vehicles.

"A vehicle is a public place by definition and we have every expectation that it will be similar to the marijuana legislation."

Stafford also talked about the consequences of traveling with marijuana conviction on your record if caught before it is legal.

"If you have a drug conviction on your record and you get checked when your going to another country, in all likelihood they will bar you from that country."

"Wait until its perfectly legal, at some point that's going to happen. The Legislators both in Ottawa and Regina are fairly clear that public health and the protection of youth is paramount."

Stafford added it is not going to be easy for youth to get the Marijuana or a "free-for-all" when legal.