(Sylvia Danyluk and Brenda Stein cutting the cake, at the "Releasing Time to Care," kickoff)


Putting patients first. The Sun Country Health Region held a kickoff yesterday for a new patient first program being introduced at the Weyburn General Hospital.

The program is called, "Releasing Time to Care." Sun Country Health Region Vice President of Primary and Integrated Health Marga Cugnet says, "I think it's really exciting for the Health Region. This is our first unit that is going to be adopting the project and it will be a great opportunity for the staff to look at their work environment and improving how they are doing things for patient care."

The Weyburn General Hospital is the first centre in the Health Region to adopt the program and Cugnet says it will be beneficial. "The nurses will be able to look at how they are doing things whether it's duplicating charting or spending too much time running up and down the Ward looking for equipment, and if they are being more efficient in seeing how they can arrange things and organize the Ward a little better than we hope they can be at the bedside more with the patient and that should translate to better patient care."

The Health Region is hoping to move this program into other centres soon as Cugnet explains.