Canadian Tire Weyburn will be hosting the annual Jumpstart Day on Saturday, June 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
As always, it'll be taking place in the parking lot from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Store Manager Laura Martindale said it's an important cause to support 

"Jumpstart is totally designed to help kids that don't normally get a chance to enroll in any sport, be it baseball, soccer, football, dance, anything like gymnastics, anything like that. It's to encourage the kids to get involved in a sporting activity that may not be able to afford to. So the Jumpstart program is designed to help with that, so that they don't get left out."

A full day of activities is planned, geared toward the kids but a great chance for families to have an outing together.

"It is going to be an awful lot of fun," she said, noting there will be one surprise, of special guests coming for the kids. "We have some Paw Patrol visitors as well, but the other ones I want to keep as a total surprise. The kids who get a chance to come and greet them and it's going to be great. We are.

"We've got a dunk tank, which is an awful lot of fun, of course, and we have our barbeque, which is hot dogs, burgers and chips, and all that kind of stuff."

She said they will even have live music. 

"It's going to be a great day for families, and we hope that everybody comes down to check us out."

Martindale added there's going to be ice cream, and games like a bean bag toss with prizes to be won. 

"Come on down, check out the petting zoo. They're bringing in a smaller version of the regular petting zoo," she explained. "Some of the city kids don't get a chance to see what farm animals are, or get to see them in person. So this way it gives them a chance to be able to come and pet them."