Weyburn Lighthouse Church has an out-of-this-world adventure planned for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). 

“Our theme this year is well, the name is Stellar. So, our theme is from darkness to light and then we learn all about God's creation and the universe and the solar system and how he created everything in it in six days,” said Susan Adderley, member of Lighthouse Church.  

photo courtesy of Lighthouse Church
photo courtesy of Lighthouse Church

“We see the sun, the moon, the sun rises, sunsets, stars, clouds, thunder, lightning, the spectacular Northern Lights, meteors, the Milky Way and the constellations. So much for us to enjoy, and in Psalm 19:1 says, the heavens declare the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship,” added Adderley. 

photo courtesy of Lighthouse Church

The FREE VBS is open to all kids between the ages of five and eight years old. The event will kick off at 9 am Tuesday, August 1 and run until 4 pm each day until Thursday, August 3. To register for the event you can contact Bindu Cherian at (306)436-3107.