Celebrating ‘Diversity at its Finest’, a reception was held for Weyburn’s Hilltop Painters on Thursday in the Second Floor Gallery at Signal Hill Arts Centre.

Carol Reeve is one of the artists.

“We’ve got such a range of artists, with such a range of techniques and styles, and whatever else, that for the second year now, they’ve kind of swung into diversity rather than picking a specific theme, because their outlooks, their styles, their backgrounds, their likes and dislikes are diverse, and so the show reflects that considerably,” she explained.

“We’ve got mixed media in there, oil paintings, watercolours, pencil drawings, you know, just amazing variety of work,” Reeve said. “So, you walk in there and it doesn’t have that cohesiveness that a single artist might have, with one theme. It’s more like a crazy quilt, instead of one that’s got the wedding ring design or something like that. It’s pieced together by so many different artists.”

Reeve’s own works demonstrate the diversity even amid her own range of mediums, and her pieces are a testament to the ways artists seek out new ways to express themselves and their view of the world.

Click the video to hear Reeve’s own explanation of her works and the ways she has experimented with the wide variety of materials to produce her art.

The Hilltop Painters meet at SHAC on Tuesday mornings.

The exhibit runs throughout November and December in the Second Floor Gallery at Signal Hill Arts Centre.

The reception for Weyburn's Hilltop Painters saw a good turnout in support of the artists (photo by Marna McManus).