A Thought Exchange was held last month to survey the parents of future students of Legacy Park Elementary School, which resulting in a resounding sentiment: the kids wanted to see their new school.

So, Principal Arlene Dobson said that's just what they did for the first three days of this week. Students of Queen Elizabeth School, Haig School, and Souris School took tours of the new school this week, one classroom at a time.

"Right now we need to do a classroom cohort at a time," she explained. "So we have a classroom at a time coming through, taking a tour of the school, seeing where they're going to be."
She said it has been a great start to the week.

"I can't tell you how exciting it's been to have the students coming through the school, and see their excitement, and their wonder, and their questions, and it's it's just been so much fun to have the kids actually in the building, one classroom at a time."

Nobody gets more excited about 'bigger, newer, shinier', than children.

"They are just in awe of the building itself, and they love the colors, they love the big gym, the double-sided stage, the grand staircase in the main All-School Commons."

She explained how, when you walk right into the front of the building, the classrooms are set up in learning communities with four classrooms in the same grade.

"So really we're just here getting the lay of the land, and very, very excited about coming to Legacy Park."

"Lots of them just wanted to know if they could start today and stay."

Classes begin at LPES in September of 2021, and Mrs. Dobson said the staff at the three schools have been "working so hard at making this transition as smooth as can be".

She added they will be doing a virtual tour, which will be shared with families in the community, hopefully by the end of this week, if not the beginning of next week.

"It's an exciting time, and we are very excited to be coming together, and we can't wait to get things started at Legacy Park."

Listen here to the full audio from Principal of LPES, Mrs. Arlene Dobson:

Check out a GALLERY below of some of the school tours taken yesterday (photos courtesy of Calli Cugnet and Glenda Cooper):