The Weyburn Salvation Army Food Bank is running low on non-perishable foods such as juice boxes, canned meats, canned vegetables, soups and school lunch foods.

“We are fortunate enough to have our freezers and fridges full,” said Jennifer Lorinczy, Community Ministries Co-Ordinator, noting that there is still a need for school lunch foods and easy snack foods in summer.

“Right now is one of our busier times,” said “School is wrapping up, that means the feeding programs through the schools, they’re are wrapping up as well. That leaves the families short for the summer, and that’s why we still need the school snacks, the easy things for kids to grab.”

Lorinczy said she is the office at the Salvation Army Corps to accept food bank donations from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. She added that donation bins are also found at most of the local grocery stores.

“Weyburn’s wonderful,” she said. “We look forward to all the community support we receive, so thank you.”

The Food Bank and Thrift Store will remain in their current locations until the spring of 2019.