Recreational swimming and pool programs are currently on hold at the Weyburn Leisure Centre.

Leisure Services Director with the City, Andrew Crowe, said it's due to a mechanical issue with the facility's boiler system.

"Last week, Friday, we experienced some mechanical issues resulting in poor water quality and heating problems as well to the Weyburn Leisure Centre, so we were forced to close at that time, and we will be closed for the unforeseeable future until we can have the repairs completed," he explained.

He said they're currently waiting on some parts.

"Then there will be a time period where our contractors will have to put a few pieces back together," Crowe noted. "Then we'll need to go through what would be the regular start-up process, as if we were starting off the year at the beginning of September for the indoor season."

He said the issue is affecting all of the water at the Leisure Centre.

"We do have some major components that are down right now, so we actually are unable to heat any of our water, so it wouldn't be fun for patrons to take a splash in the pool," he noted.

"So once we get our boilers back up and running, then we'll be able to start to heat the pool again, and then we'll just meet those standard requirements that we operate to all season long and then we'll open the doors again to the public," Crowe stated.

He said while the pool closure may have come as a surprise last weekend to those who hadn't seen the online posts, a heads-up was give to those who were registered in programs.

"Our staff did a really good job contacting all the users and all of our registered swimmers, and everybody that they could get a hold of to let them know things are cancelled," he shared. "That's an important piece."

"We realize that people made an investment into their time at the swimming pool, into their upcoming programs or their memberships or what not, so we will be addressing that when we sort out our opening date, and will make the necessary refunds or rescheduling of programming as required."

He noted the closure has nothing to do with the construction of the Weyburn Recreation and Cultural Centre, which is adjacent to the Weyburn Leisure Centre.

The City of Weyburn would like to thank the public for their patience at this time.