Five new flag poles now stand in Memorial Park just beside City Hall, with flags representing the nation of Canada, the province of Saskatchewan, the City of Weyburn, and the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan. A fifth pole was installed as well, to be used when needed for other events.

"We want to recognize the fact that we are on Treaty Four land, so it's important to our City Council that we show all of those with pride," shared Weyburn City Councilor Laura Morrissette.

She said the project began in the Leisure Services department before being brought to the commission, and "Everybody on that commission thought it was a good idea, so they passed it along to City Council."

Morrissette said new location of the flags makes it much easier for flag raising events, so attendees can spread out and see all of the action. Previously, they were located in front of the mailboxes in front of City Hall.

"I noticed at flag raisings in the past, not everybody can see the actual flag raising and the ceremony itself. We'd always have to have it kind of off to the side, so everything can be right at Memorial Park now and it's just not going to be all clumped in one spot.”


The old flag poles, she explained, were becoming, “a bit of a hazard as well”.

“Just putting those flags up and down, it was harder and harder. They were on a chain that wasn't always cooperative. So it's nice to have safer and more updated flag polls.”

While the new poles were installed unceremoniously, this was mainly due to the fact that a local company was able to put the new poles in on the same day the request was made late last fall.

The fifth flag pole will be for special observations, including Pride Week. Currently the Legion flag is flying on it, as the poles were installed just prior to Remembrance Day.