The preliminary investigations for the Lead Line Replacement Program will be starting Monday, July 31st.

"What we're going to be doing over the coming days is we are going to be contacting those home owners, asking to be given permission to enter the premise to determine whether a lead service is present," says Claude Morin Superintendent of Public Works and Parks.

There are 4000 service connections in Weyburn, and of those 4000, there are 250 connections under suspicion of containing lead.

"We do believe of the 250 unknowns that approx 30%, you know 80 to 100 (connections), will be lead," says Morin. "We're hoping it will be even less than that, but we do need to get into those homes to make that determination."

Morin wants the citizens of Weyburn to know that the city will be contacting those 250 households directly, via doorknocking and phone calls. He asks for your co-operation and adds that the process only takes a few minutes.

The program is in the early stages of simply narrowing down the homes impacted. Once this is complete details of the line replacement will be available.