Applications for the Millie Coghill Fine Arts Award are now open. The Millie Coghill Fine Arts Award is a scholarship that is funded annually by Ian Coghill in memory of his grandmother. The scholarship is open to any in the Weyburn area who are pursuing post-secondary education, immersive workshops or other programs relating to the creative field. 

"So if you're graduating high school and you're going off to study fine arts or drama or anything else in the creative field, you can apply for this scholarship," said City Curator, Regan Lanning.

Lanning adds the scholarship is not just for students who are going into fine arts programs, but also for adults who might be looking into returning to their own post-secondary education in those fields, or even those who want to take immersive workshops, such as 'a week-long quilt making program' according to Lanning.

The deadline for applications for the Millie Coghill Fine Arts Award is April 30th. 

You can find a link to the application here.

You can also email City Curator Regan Lanning at;