AM 1190, Magic 103, K106 are now available on radioplayer Canada, a new smartphone and computer app that was launched today by Canadian broadcasters.

Dave Lehman, manager of Digital Media for Golden West, says a bunch of Canadian broadcasters got together last year to discuss how to make radio available anywhere. He says radioplayer is a way that your local radio station can be with you wherever you go. Lehman describes it as a tuner in your smartphone or computer device.

"radioplayer is now available in the app store. It's an initiative that enables you to listen to radio wherever you are. So, whether it's the connected car, whether it's at home devices that you talk to, wherever you are, we want to make sure it's as easy as possible to listen to radio."

Lehman emphasizes the new app works with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, making it easy to use for people who have a connected vehicle. He says the app is a way to use technology to make the radio experience better for the listener.

"There's no question that, while radio is going to be around forever, the way that you listen to it and the way that you're allowed to interact with it is going to keep evolving and changing to make the experience better for the listener."