The fourth annual Wey-Clean Week kicks off today, and will run until Friday.

Throughout the week, Weyburn residents, organizations, and businesses are encouraged to help clean and improve their community.

Weyburn City Councillor Laura Morrissette said with the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas show coming up in early June, as well as the Soo Line Cruisers Show & Shine car show, and Grad 2024, it's a great time to make our City look as good as it can.

"We really want to make sure that we can showcase our city, and we're always a clean community, but this is just that little push to make sure that everything is cleaned up before all of those guests start coming in."

The City highlights different neighbourhoods each day of the week, using its garbage collection areas (visit for area map). Today, City crews will be focusing city-wide, with focus tomorrow in Area 1, Wednesday in Area 2, Thursday in Area 3, 4 & 5, and on Friday they'll be honing in on Downtown.

Morrissette said with April winds following a long but mostly mild Saskatchewan winter, debris is everywhere.

"It's either windy or cold in Saskatchewan, and things just kind of bump up against the the fences. So if you're out walking, maybe take a little bag with you, you can throw some of that garbage in, especially when we have those bins out in the different areas," she noted. "If you're on the trails, have that bag with you, as there are garbage cans all along our or Tatagwa Trails where you can drop off that garbage. And if you're down beside the high school or out near the Ag grounds, those fences, they are huge. It's a long walk, so take a walk. We've got some beautiful weather right now and, you know, help pick up some of that garbage that's been lying around." 

With a recent flyer delivery of one free Landfill disposal coupon, she said, "It's just a great way for people to get rid of some of that extra garbage that might not fit in their refuse bin that's picked up weekly. So if you have a little bit of extra stuff that's accumulated over the winter and now there are a few extra boxes in my garage that just can't go in the recycling, you can take that out, and that is a free of charge to just help get our yards cleaned up."

Prior to 2021, the clean-up week was called the Mayor's Weekly Cleanup. 

"I know that's something that all the City Councillors tried to get involved in and we still do. It's great that it's spread out over a week because we all have full-time jobs on top of our duties with the City. So we try and get out as much as we can, but that was only one day. This is an entire week, so it's really great that we can get a lot more people out." 

Those who participate should also remember to take some photos.

"We want to showcase people getting out there and participating, so send your pictures into Kyle at City Hall and we'd love to feature them, with your permission, of course, on the City website, because we take pride in our community and we want you guys to take pride in your community as well."

Morrissette also suggested groups or businesses to, "get a challenge going between either the schools or the kids or just anyone. I know Councillor Janke and I pitted our children against each other to see who could pick up the most garbage during Wey-Clean Week, the first year of our term on Council. So that was a lot of fun, too."  

A version of this story was originally published on April 25th.