The Weyburn Horticultural Society's annual Spring Plant Sale was held last week.

Club president Heather Cugnet said plant donations and sales were down, likely due to a late, dry spring.

“We had a good turnout,” she said. “Numbers were down in our plants entered and our money was down about three hundred dollars from what we usually make. I think it’s the dry year.”

The sale also did not start as early in the day as it has in the past. The times and the format changed a little bit, as they took plants up until noon, hosting the sale from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.. They were almost entirely sold out by 3:00 p.m.

“We do get really good community support from people, and people that are not even members, so we really thank people for that,” said Cugnet. “We certainly had a successful sale and we want to thank everybody for their support and the donations.”

Proceeds from the sale go toward special speakers for monthly meetings, which are open to the public.

At tonight's meeting, Lawrence Barber will be speaking about Bonsai trees.

The board conducts its meetings following the special speaker. Both the speaker and the meetings are open to the public.

Membership is up from last year but is not required to attend meetings.

“We probably have about eight new members,” said Cugnet. “We actually talked about folding a year ago, because we don’t have enough people to carry on where we’re going. My average age is probably 80 plus. Some people have moved on, but we’ve had a resurgence of lots of new young people. A lot of people don’t even know we exist.”

Along with regularly sharing free information with the community, the group has also donated seeds to the new Seed Library being launched tomorrow night at the Weyburn Public Library.

The group also continues to host local events throughout summer, with a Perennial show in July and an Annuals show in August.

For more information on events with the Horticultural Society, visit the Discover Weyburn events calendar.