Since most of the kids have gotten back to school now with either home schooling, private schooling or public schooling we figured we would check in to see how things are going.

So yesterday we asked you for your opinions on school so far as well as what your kids are thinking of everything they have now been able to experience.

Below you can view the results from our poll for the kids and the written answers we received from their parents and guardians.Β 

So as you can see from the poll above it looks like things are looking pretty good so far for our local and area students.

The top answer is: They are loving it so far with 30 Votes and 35.7% of the overall votes, in second we have: They are just happy to see their friends again with 27 Votes and 32.1% overall, and then in third place we have: They were happy to be learning again with 12 Votes and 14.3% overall.

It is so great to see so much positivity coming from your children during this weird and uncharted time we are currently living in.Β πŸ˜€

And below you will find the written answers some of you sent us.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Wishing you and your kids a great rest of the school year!!Β πŸ˜ƒ