Weyburn City Council will again be looking at tenders when they meet tonight at City Hall. There will be two purchases before the councillors, and they will also discuss lane closure requests and a discretionary use permit.  

The 2024 budget included a $50,000 allotment for the purchase of a new zero-turn mower. There were three tenders received by the city, all of which came under that amount. The other tender will be for a new road street sweeper. The budget for the purchase was $365,000, and they will look at 10 tenders.  

A lane closure that was before the council at the February 26th meeting will be back for a final vote by the councillors. The closure, which runs along properties on Hunt Street and Regina Avenue, would allow for the consolidation of properties and would discourage shortcuts across some of the lots. The other lane closure is before the council for its first reading. The lane would be between 5th and 6th Street Northwest and is coming as a request from Prairie Animal Health Centre as they look to consolidate property to build a new facility.  

The discretionary use permit application is from Rival Cage on Hill Avenue to allow for them to add a licensed restaurant they could use for special events.  

There will also be a number of items on the consent agenda, which include the monthly building, public works and fire department reports.  

We will have full coverage of tonight’s meeting, on-air and online, starting tomorrow morning.