People love their lake time, and the R.M. of Weyburn has the numbers to prove it.

The data collected this month by the solar-powered speed radar sign on the road leading to Nickle Lake shows many were taking advantage of the short trip to one of the finest beaches in the province.

Norm McFadden, Reeve for the R.M. of Weyburn, said the radar sign records the rate of speed at which each and every vehicle is traveling.

"It's been up there since early August, and the snapshot we have now is of 20 days through August, and there were about 9,300 vehicles incoming, and 9,200 vehicles outgoing. It actually records speed, and the average speed was 55 km/h. 

He said there were a few going 100 km/h as well, but the speed limit is 60 km/h due to the traffic volume.

"On Nickle Lake Day, which was on August 5th there was a total of 1,242 vehicles, and for the Halloween [in the Park] day, which was August 12th, they had 1,033 vehicles," he shared. 

"We always knew that road was busy, but you never know how busy until you actually have some hard data." 

McFadden said they'll have a few more of the speed radar signs up throughout the R.M. thanks to a grant from SGI.

"The provincial government does a count on some of our grid roads, but their snapshot can be anywhere from a 24 to 48-hour window, which I don't think gives you a real, true number for vehicles, so with this, we could put our signs up when they do their counts and compare, and we can leave our signs up for a month or two and get a more accurate read on the amount of vehicles."

Find out which day will likely see the next spike in traffic to the regional park HERE.

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