Terra, when you turned 40, you were inspired to try to run a 1/2 marathon - to scratch it off your bucket list.  Fast forward, and now you are running even greater distances.

Can you tell us a little about the history of you running marathons? Is running a sport that you have been involved in since you were young?

Terra received this medal with completion of the Calgary Run that was held virtually in 2020

Other virtual runs completed by Terra include the Prairie Challenge (500kms in 3 months), Regina Queen City Marathon, Canada Day, and the Michelob Night Run.


Terra, you completed a HUGE PERSONAL GOAL for 2020... Your goal was to run 1600km by the end of 2020!!! 

CONGRATULATIONS, Terra, you reached that goal by the end of August!!!

Do you have any advice for individuals wanting to get started in the running world?  What would you say to someone who is starting today, that has a goal to run 1600km?

Thanks for the advice, Terra, and also, thanks for reminding us that you started, simply, minute by minute. 

Terra will drive around the city and drop water bottles on her running route so they are there when/where she needs them. 

She said this about the one time that a bottle of water went missing... "I put the water at a city sign in the long grass, and when I was running up to it, the long grass (and the bottle) were gone..."

There are quite a few community members that share your passion for running.  Can you give us details on the Weyburn Run Club?

Team Diabetes Fundraising began for Terra before she knew there were members of her own family affected.  (To date) Terra's Team Diabetes Run destinations include: Reykjavik, Athens, Munich, Dublin and Lisbon, Edmonton, Regina and Saskatoon. 

..."i was going to put 2020 but because of the way this year is going, I am going to have to reevaluate that - maybe 2021..." - Terra Jacobsen (on adjusting the 1600km goal after she achieved it)