Weyburn Minor Football is gearing up to celebrate one of the biggest days in Football.

"We're very excited to host our 2nd Annual Superbowl party as a fundraiser for Weyburn Minor Football this year," said President of Weyburn Minor Football Jody Kerr.

McKenna Hall will be completely decked out on February 3rd for the Big Game and so much more.

"It'll have a bar, it'll have door prizes, it'll have auction items, it'll have tailgate games," noted Kerr. "We're really excited this year, one thing we've added is we're going to have a Madden Zone. We're going to have two or three screens set up with systems and throughout the night they'll have the ability to go head to head or two on two and play some games that way and every time they win, we're going to put their name into a draw and at the end of the night, names will be drawn out and they'll get a prize."

Doors will open at 4:30 with the kickoff to the game at 5:30. Tickets are $20 for an adult, $15 for youth and for children under 7 it's free for them to come in and enjoy the experience, but $5 for a pizza ticket.

"With a ticket purchase, it gets you in the door, gets you all the food you want to eat all night, access to everything, the games are free to play inside," said Kerr.

As for the game itself, Kerr explains that will be an experience like no other as well.

"We're actually going to project the games up on the screen, the screens are ten feet by ten feet" added Kerr.  "So two massive screens with good sound systems. Probably the biggest screen in town that you can watch the game on."

And, of course, all the funds will go to helping out Weyburn Minor Football.

"With this event, all money is going towards our mid field tower that we're fundraising for," said Kerr.   "We've been working on that for a couple of years and we're going to break ground on that this spring. We've set a goal of around 45 or 50 thousand for this building that we need to put up and we're closing in on 20 thousand right now so any additional funds that we can get from this event goes directly towards that."

Tickets can be purchased by contacting Kerr at jody.kerr@secpsd.ca or weyburnminorfootball.sk@gmail.com or by contacting them via Facebook.