As a result of the COVID pandemic, surgeries for some continue to be delayed, which is the case for Weyburn resident, Norm Little.  Little has been diagnosed with Severe Osteoarthritis in his ankle, a condition where the tissues in the joint break down. 

“The ankle has deteriorated, there is no cartilage left in it, it’s been bone on bone here for a few years,” said Little. 

Little shared they tried a couple of non-surgical options without success.   In March 2020, Little received the referral to see the surgeon in April 2020 to discuss surgery but then the pandemic hit and his appointment was postponed. 

“It took from March of 2020 to July of 2021 just to get in to see the surgeon after the referral, he put me on the actual list, and it was a year that I was going to wait at least from July of 2021, but of course, all the elective surgeries got cancelled, so it will probably be January 2023 before I actually get in,” explained Little.   

Little shared before the pandemic hit, it was estimated he would have approximately a six-month waiting period, it was expected the surgery would be performed no later than January 2021. 

When asked what his pain level was on a scale of one to ten, Little explained he was managing his pain with prescription medication, a TENS machine, rest, and ice. 

“I had a really good doctor two or three years ago when it was getting really bad, we’ve kept that pain level in check, I’m taking Tylenol Threes every day and Morphine and everything just to function with it.  It is total bone on bone, it has worn itself a groove where it will lock up,” explained Little. 

Now the estimated wait time for the surgery is at least a year from July of 2021.  Little shared if he doesn’t hear from his doctor by July 2022, he will connect with the clinic, he is hoping to have the surgery by January 2023.