Saskatchewan's latest crop report shows 14 per cent of the crop is now in the bin, well ahead of the five year average of eight per cent.

Harvest is most advanced in the southwest, where the province says 30 per cent of the crop is now combined. The southeastern region has 23 per cent combined, the
west-central region is at 11 per cent. 92 per cent of fall rye, 83 per cent of winter wheat, 57 per cent of lentils, 54 per cent of field peas, 14 per cent of durum and two per cent of canola have been combined, while 18 per cent of canola and 14 per cent of mustard have been swathed.

If the weather cooperates, the majority of producers in the province expect to be in the field by the end of the month. However, the majority of the province has received little to no rainfall this past week.

The majority of crop damage this past week is attributed to hail, strong winds, localized flooding and lack of moisture.