The top two dangerous driving behaviors that motorists perform in a school zone, as reported in a recent CAA Study, are speeding and distracting driving. For pedestrians, the top two risky behaviors are jaywalking and failing to look both ways before crossing the street. With students returning to school next week, here are some school zone safety reminders for motorists, students, and parents or guardians.

Drivers need to obey the posted speed limits and hours that the speed limits are enforced in school zones, parks and playgrounds. Keep an eye out for School Safety Patrollers on duty during school days and follow their instructions. Avoid distracted driving and focus on the task of driving safely and drive according to the weather and road conditions. Be sure to give children and families enough time to cross streets safely as intersections can be covered in ice and snow. As rows of vehicles wait in school pick-up zones, keep in mind that children may dart out between cars. Students may also be obscured by exhaust from idling cars and by snowbanks.

This goes both ways, however. Both pedestrians and drivers need to be aware of one another.

Stop, look both ways, listen and think.  Ensure any oncoming vehicles have come to a complete stop before walking across the street. Don’t use your cell phone for texting, phoning, or playing games while walking. Avoid jaywalking and use the designated intersections to cross. And most importantly; never run out in traffic or between parked cars, buses, or buildings. Wait for the signal when crossing the street. Keep your head up, look around, be alert and aware of your surroundings.