Canadian mental health week wraps up today and Weyburn held several events throughout the week in order to "get loud" about mental health.

One such event was a book reading by author Christalee Froese of Montmartre. She read from her new book 'Journey to Joy', which is a humour-laced memoir following Froese on her two-year joy project to restore her happiness after suffering a mental breakdown. It's a raw journal of the author at her most vulnerable. A few tears were shed and lot's of laughs were shared at the event on Wednesday.

"The whole message is you're not alone," shared Froese. "Depression is something you don't really talk about and if you have anxiety it's somethimes 'oh, they're Type A or they get lots done or they're overachievers'. In our society depression and anxiety is prevalent and it's okay to talk about it and that's the whole idea of the book."

The book reading was Froese's third reading in the southeast, as 'Journey to Joy' just came out three weeks ago. It was held at Southeast College in Weyburn. Froese is a former chair of the college's board of directors. The freelance journalist and first-time book author stayed after the reading to sign books and talk to participants. She also took a tour of the fairly new facility.

The book is available digitally and in paperback at Chapters and several other stores across the southeast. A portion of the proceeds goes to RODS, an orgnization which helps get children with Downs Syndrome adopted throughout the world. The author will host an 'Evening of Joy' event to raise funds for the initiative in Montmartre on June 15.

Froese will be holding a 'meet the author' event in her hometown of Montmartre on Tuesday. There are several more events scheduled throughout the southeast.