Weyburn celebrity Richy Roy is making a name for himself in the international community. Roy’s latest literary work is meant for a very niche audience. “The Wealthy Magician” is a book about the business side of being a magician and what it takes to become a successful magician, regardless of where you’re from.

The book can only be purchased in select magic stores around the world or online. Roy says the book is going over very well in the magic community.

“It’s starting to create a buzz in the magic community. It’s been receiving five-star reviews in all the magic magazines and reviewer websites. It’s sold well over 200 books. In the magic world, that’s definitely a good thing,” Roy said. “They predict it’s going to pick up in the next three months and we’re hoping to sell over 500 copies, which in the magic world is considered a best seller.”

The Weyburn resident is thrilled to become an international hit.

“It’s pretty awesome. The big hurdle was that no one has ever heard of me in the international world of magic. But that was the whole point of the book. The book was how to be a full-time entertainer living in a small town,” he said. “Irregardless of where you live. You don’t have to be a magician in Las Vegas, or on cruise ships, or resorts. You can be a full-time entertainer wherever you live, and I think that’s why it works so well.”

Roy is also working on a second children’s book in his series of eight. He published “The Amazing Magician Richy Roy” last year and it has sold over 800 copies. He says the next story should be out by October 2019.

The entertainer says writing a book for kids is a lot harder than it sounds.

“There is a lot of work that goes into writing a short 24 pages. You have to focus on so many different aspects,” he explained. “See it from the kids' point of view, as well as the teachers' point of view, so it can be educational and well understood. As well as entertaining at the same time.”

Regardless of what type of writing he’s focused on, Roy says it takes a lot of work to get better and produce higher quality material.

“You can never get it right the first time. Especially when you’re writing books, it’s a process. You have to write over, and over again,” he said.

Aside from writing, Roy also works as a magician, DJ, balloon twister, and runs his own publishing company. Prestige Book Publishing is based out of Saskatchewan and Roy hopes to publish four to six books a year.

With all the success he’s had in whichever venture Roy has taken on, he said it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Weyburn community.

“I’ve been so thankful for the people in Weyburn here. They’ve supported me from the very beginning, and I’ve been doing this for about 10 years now, the entertaining and now with the book sales,” he said. “I can’t thank the people of Weyburn enough, and I hope to give more back to the community.”