Recent weather in southeast Saskatchewan has made harvest difficult for those who hadn’t wrapped up their annual operations. Snowfall and rain have made it near impossible for producers to get out in the field to finish taking the 2018 crop off the field.

Dale Paslawski farms in the Cedoux area. He explained while he was able to finish up before the rain and snow hit, not everyone was as lucky.

“I was over by a friends place by Corning here yesterday, and standing durum, some of that sprouted; canola in swath, so yeah, there’s some producers struggling to get their harvest off, and I hope they get some nice dry weather,” Paslawski said.

While the southeast has seen the snow, much of it has melted in recent days. For those who are farming in areas further to the north, they haven’t been as lucky when it comes to above zero temperatures.

“I’ve got friends way up north, Choiceland area where my brother is, some of them are 50 percent done. Some are a little further advanced than that, some are 25 percent done, so yeah, we’re concerned about those producers.”

The forecast for the Weyburn area isn’t too promising in the coming days, with the chance of more snow by the weekend. With the moisture expected, it is turning into a race against mother nature to finish the 2018 harvest.