Save all of your bottles, cans and empties for a great cause tomorrow. 

The 5th Weyburn Scouts, Beavers and Cubs, are holding their bi-annual bottle drive tomorrow, January 7th, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Charlene Keen, Fifth Weyburn Scouts Leader, said that the bottle drive is a huge fundraiser for their program, with all of the profits raised going directly back into the kids. 

“We have the parents load up three or four or five kids, whatever they can handle in their vehicle, and then I give them a route because I have routes of the whole city.”

”They take a route and they do that route. When they come back with bottles in their vehicles, they empty them out, the ones that are left behind we sort everything, and then we take it all to SARCAN.” 

Keen said that it’s a general bottle drive that helps the Scouts out in a number of ways. 

“We got a lot of new kids this year and they have to pay Scout’s registration fees, which is over $100, we like to have them have their uniforms, so that costs a little bit of money. We do our own group camps, as well as crafts and a bunch of other stuff, we need some money that is liquidable that we can use.” 

She said that the kids that come to the bottle drive are pro-rated per hour. So if they are there for two hours, they get two hours worth of the money so that it’s fair for everybody. 

Keen added that they are always looking for more volunteer Leaders to be a part of the 5th Weyburn Scouts. 

Watch for them tomorrow as they will be out and about in the Weyburn community, collecting bottles and cans from generous residents supporting a worthy cause.