Are you a pet owner planning to host a New Years party?

If so, the Prairie Animal Health Centre in Weyburn has some advice.

  • Alcohol and pets don't mix.

It is best to keep drinks safely out of reach because some can be dangerous for animals

Dr. Catherine Colodey, veterinarian at the health centre, said most foods should be placed out of reach as well.

"We run into more poisonings and toxin ingestion this time of year than most other times of the year," she said.

Chocolates as well as food scraps like drippings, gravy and poultry skin should be avoided.

  • Decorations are tempting for pets

Keep trees and decorations secured to keep from toppling over if a pet bumps into them or decides to climb them.

Tinsel and ribbons should also be placed high enough on a tree (or not used at all) because they can potentially cause serious intestinal damage if swallowed.