Two years ago a man walked through Weyburn with a dream to reach British Columbia from Ontario.

This man was Bill Miles and he did make it to British Columbia. Now he is on his way back through Ontario and on to Newfoundland all on bicycle. June 28 saw Miles ride through Weyburn on his Bicycle.

Miles says he can carry more on the bicycle and it allows him to make better time on his travels. Another new addition is Miles' dog Sidney, who dutifully follows Miles along his journey.

Miles shared his feelings returning to the prairies after having made it to British Columbia.

"BC is pretty amazing, I don't need to tell you how pretty the mountains are. The water is good for drinking, if it's not forest fire season there's no shortage of fire wood so [it's] pretty amazing for camping. But I have to say that after you spend too long in the mountains it's just tree after tree after tree and you really truly miss the prairies," Miles said.

When asked why he is going on this journey, Miles stated he does have a motivator.

"If there was any kind of message or any kind of thing I'm doing. I'm living a pretty comfortable, what I would call by my standards a high standard of living and it's not costing me hardly any money to do it. I think that with the economy as it there's gonna be lot's of folks that maybe have some money concerns [and] hopefully if they see somebody else having a good time without having to spend a whole bunch of money it will give them some encouragement," Miles said.

In order to fund his travels Miles plays music under his stage name "Two Dollar Bill."