After yet another dry and hot week we continue to see the crops and pastures suffering from it.

These dry conditions are not the only cause of a less than successful crop.

"We do have some issues such as insects in some of the crops such as aphids and wheat midge," says Acting Cropping Management Specialist Shannon Friesen. "We've also heard many reports of gopher population exploding."

There are many issues impacting the quality of Weyburn and area crops but local farmers can't give up hope just yet.

"Any rain that we do get going forward, of course, may help some of the heads fill and the pods fill on the plants," says Friesen. " So there is still an opportunity for things to improve in some areas."

Weyburn saw a similar farming season in 2015. However, rains occurring at the end of July helped the crops make a comeback.

As harvest approaches, only time will tell if we finally receive the moisture we so desperately need.