A fun-filled week has been had by nearly 90 children at the Weyburn Free Methodist Church for their 11th annual Vacation Bible School.

"The theme this year is Shipwrecked," explained Pastor Jody Pfeifer, Weyburn Free Methodist Church, who was also Director for the VBS.

Every morning, starting Monday, finishing today with 86 children taking part in different activities.

"Every morning they start, and they sing, and they dance and they go to different stations."

The children are placed in groups and move around to different activities including a bible story, science experiments, games in the gym and a kid vid cinema.

"That's a station where our kids hear about how other children around the world are learning how Jesus can rescue them."

The church sanctuary was transformed into a deserted island to go with the theme.

Pfeifer wished to thank everyone who helped make the VBS possible. She had 18 junior and senior high students who gave up their Easter break mornings to help with the VBS by leading the children around the stations as well as 14 adults who did the teaching and gave leadership to the different stations.

Pfeifer added they are having a special VBS service at the Free Methodist Church on Sunday during their 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.