It has been exactly two years since Weyburn's Jennifer LaCharite has stepped foot on Canadian soil. She has been in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica since two months prior to the lockdowns last spring.

LaCharite said she kept waiting for travel restrictions to clear up, or for things to be simpler and safer for travel.

"There are a lot of restrictions with Canada without the shot," she noted. "I was only just eligible as a non resident here in this country just a couple months ago for the first shot and there wasn't enough time to have the second shot by Christmas. So that, you know, makes it difficult."

"You need to quarantine for two weeks somewhere they don't really want you staying with family. They certainly don't want you staying with family if they're over 65. So that had my parents out."

She added she of all the aspects of not being able to visit Canada, she misses her family the most, but she's hoping her parents are able to fulfill their current plans to visit her in Cost Rica next month.

Find out what Jennifer has been up to HERE