For the parents of children in activities and athletics at Weyburn Comprehensive School, things can get pricey quickly when it comes to attending games and tournaments. This year, the school is trying something different to help with a new season pass. 

“We came together as a staff and we tried to figure out a way to help parents get to as many events as they can without having to bring out their wallet every single time,” explained WCS Athletics Director Jody Kerr. “With everything going up, there’s always a need for a bit of cast to cover officials, cover travel, cover the team’s expenses, things like that, so we’ve come up with a WCS season ticket this year, and this season ticket can be purchased at any of our events that have a gate happening.” 

The WCS Activity Season Ticket will be for all athletic events in all age groups held at the school, outside of the league playoffs and SHSAA and SEDAA events. This includes football games, volleyball and basketball tournaments, and even the prestigious Co-op Series and McLeod Series.  

Athletic events aren’t the only thing being covered by this ticket, as well. The ticket also provides a $5 discount for a ticket to the junior musical and a $5 discount for a ticket to the senior musical.  

“The passes are going to sell for $30, and that, basically if you come to say four or five events throughout the year and use your passes, you’re already in the good,” Kerr added.  

The season tickets will be made available at the gate for the WCS Eagles football game on Friday night, as well as the WCS senior girls volleyball tournament on Friday and Saturday. The passes will also be made available at the school’s main office.  

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