For the first time in 16 years there is a shift of power in the Legislature in Saskatchewan.


The Saskatchewan Party winning the provincial election last night, claiming 37 seats compared to the N.D.P's 21.

For the second straight election, the Liberals were shut-out.

Premier Elect Brad Wall says the people of the province are ready for a change and that change will see the Saskatchewan Party holding power for 4 years.

In all 9 seats changed hands in last night's election, they include Moose Jaw North as Sask Party's Warren Michelson defeated N.D.P.Incumbent Glen Hagel.

Prince Albert Carleton also saw the Sask Party take over from the N.D.P.

The other seat changes include, Yorkton, Regina South, Regina Qu'Appelle Valley, Regina-Wascana Plains, Saskatoon Rivers, Saskatoon Greystone and Saskatoon Sutherland.