A "Farewell to the King" was held this weekend for longtime teacher Robert King. Many past students, current teachers and retired teachers were in attendance at the event, which featured dinner and drinks and a performance by the STARS Show Choir.

A staple at the local high school, Mr. King was a teacher for 50 years, starting in Dinsmore in 1966 and coming to the Weyburn Collegiate in 1967. King said the reason the years don't add up to 50 is because he and his wife Brenda took a year off to travel the world during their long teaching career at the Weyburn Comprehensive School.

Retired principal Ken Larson (left) and current teacher Tanya Cameron (centre) visited with Bob King (right) during the evening event.

"I'm so proud of the school to start with and the students and the community," shared King. "There's so many things I was involved in. The musicals with Colleen Weimer were just fantastic. In the last 16 years, we've been doing those and the sports. I coached basketball teams and volleyball teams in the 70s and early 80s and that was a great time. This is a great place to work, for sure."

King said the biggest change for him over the years was the recent move of all the junior high students over to Comp.

"I think students have been the same forever. There's some students that apply themselves and some don't," shared King.

He said seeing students become contributing member of society after they leave school is what has given him the most satisfaction in his career.

The Comp students may not have seen the last of Mr. King. He said he may continue to work as a substitute teacher.

The party had a "royal" theme.

Listen to Jennifer LaCharite's full interview with Bob King: