SaskTel has launched a low-cost, fully digital mobile brand called Lüm Mobile.  

Lüm Mobile allows customers to manage their own service online with more affordable prices than a full-service model.   

Lindsay Mazenc, External Communications Manager says SaskTel recognized that some customers preferred to manage their own service experience.  

“It's best suited for the customers that prefer to do all of their own interactions online and manage their own service.” 

Mazenc says Lüm is strictly "bring your own phone."

"Loom Mobile does not sell devices, so the customers do have to bring their phones."

Lüm Mobile has no monthly plans or monthly billing dates. Customers will buy a membership to get access to data at great rates that never expire. 

“Customers buy a membership to get access to data, so it's something that's a little different than our traditional wireless service.” 

With a membership, customers won't lose unused data every month, and will only pay for the data, calls, and texts they actually use.